Israeli channel making fun of Jesus and Virgin Mary

English Translation: You must have heard that we are having on a weekly basis a cardinal or a patriarch or a bishop or a priest or a monk or any other boy in a group - of which all members have had sex with him- who denies the Holocaust... They deny the Holocaust and I have decided -instead of getting angry- to do the same with them and deny the Christianity,, yes, Im not kidding,, we should teach them a lesson, and this is what we are going to do now: We deny every night things that are said by Christian Church, you remember yesterday we denied that Jesus walked on water, and here is the next video: Christians tell you that Mary mother of Jesus was virgin and that is not true, the evidence of that is simple that John the Baptist used to surprised her by putting his two fingers in her sides, but Mary wouldnt jump, besides, if Mary was really virgin she wouldnt show sexual equipment in the evening show with Yousefos Vlabios. The truth is that in age of 15 Mary got pregnant from her colleagu
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