T4E .50 Cal P2P HDP Compact Home Defense Pistol - Review
In this video we are looking at the new T4E .50 Cal P2P HDP Compact Home Defense Pistol
Be Prepared to Protect with the P2P HDP 50 Compact .50 caliber CO2-powered personal defense device. The HDP 50 Compact is designed for snag-free ergonomic performance and quick deployment so you can put distance between yourself and a threat. The 8-gram CO2 cartridge is instantly activated with a firm tap of the Quick Pierce knob on the bottom of the grip frame. With the CO2 cartridge pierced the shooter can quickly acquire and engage their target via the intuitive channel sight system. The internal magazine holds 4 rounds of .50 caliber pepper, dust, or rubber ammo. Comes with rubber and pepper rounds. The rubber rounds are great for learning your new less-than-lethal HDP50 Compact.
The HDP 50 Compact is NOT designed to use paint ammo of any kind. Using paint ammo may damage the product and will void the warranty.
***NOTE*** This item CANNOT ship to California, District of Columbia, New York or Massachusetts. ***NOTE***
*NOTE This item is RESTRICTED in Canada and cannot be shipped to Canada. NOTE*
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