Item title reads: “Channel conquered again! And at his first attempt by plucky but modest 22 year-old giant London clerk - Mr. E. H. Temme, in 14 hours, 29 minutes. London greets her own real amateur and sportsman son. With “Mum and Dad“.
Dover, Kent
A young Channel swimmer receives a civic welcome and is greeted by an enthusiastic crowd. C/U of male swimmer in dressing gown seated in a boat next to a gap toothed smiling lady in a hat, and others. His father, is on the right, and his mum on the left. She gives him a kiss. A young girl leans over and kisses him as well. Various shots in close up of them all chatting. He scratches his upper lip. His hair sticks up all over the place. He looks happy. Lots of playful banter etc. M/S of swimmer and party making their way slowly through the crowd preceded by a police constable. Swimmer shakes hands with people in crowd.
C/U swimmer now in blazer and slacks warmly and enthusiastically shaking hands with a smiling blonde haired young lady, and watched by
1 view
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