ASTONISHING endgame of CAPABLANCA. Chess with ALEXX CHESS GAEVSKI Потрясающий эндшпиль КАПАБЛАНКИ. Шахматы с ALEXX CHESS GAEVSKI 00:00 Hello! Today we are going to take a look at a full endgame of the third world champion Capablanca. ASTONISHING endgame of CAPABLANCA 00:05 So, in this position the main idea was D7. E2. E6. Castling. D6. C1. E7. And in endgame the king doesn’t have to castle. It’s actually much better if he goes in the center of the field. C3. Rook C8. A3. Knight A5. And here you can see that the idea was to push the side of the queen with as many pieces as possible. D2. F5. G3. B5. And F3 is a mistake. 00:44 A much better move would be to take that annoying knight at A5. Because after C1, C1, takes on A5, B3, A8, C5, this is a more or less equal position. 00:58 But because of F3, we allow the knight to go to C4, and it becomes a really strong knight
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