truffe 1 INGLESE

Hello, good morning. Unfortunately I am receiving collaboration offers on this channel, offers where they promise high earnings if I include their advertisements in my films, but from a prior investigation I have ascertained that they come from scammers who take advantage of the lack of experience and the ingenuity of many who still bite. I take advantage of this channel to send a message and I hope you will share. These are serial scammers who use various platforms , especially Facebook , where they advertise a product , which really exists , but which they use as bait . Good product, super discounted price where they show you with photos and videos and, icing on the cake, they give you the option to pay on delivery, so you feel calm, unfortunately this is not the case. Once you have placed the order you are asked for your mobile phone number to confirm the order, nothing more false, they resell your number to the usual pain in the ass that start with advertising calls. When the PACKAGE arrives which is really a package, a rip-off, when it suits you, you get a product that is similar to the one ordered but a model that has not been on the market for 5.7 years now with super outdated characteristics but sometimes, very frequently, you get another product, a slut that is worth nothing. It is useless to try to claim, if you call back the phone number that is left in your memory it will be non-existent so you keep the scam. In addition they devise scam systems for each sector as you can see from the photos of the movie. My wish is that Facebook and all the other platforms check before advertising but at the moment the only thing left is to defend yourself how to disclose this footage. at least I hope. don’t forget to share.
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