Second Hatchling’s Second Appearance! Altynai The Eagle 🦅 Алтынай — Солнечные Орлы
7:24 a.m. 28 May 2022, Almetyevsk region, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia:
0:00 - Altynai is settled over her tiny brood, then starts to stir.
0:07 - As she peers down between her wings to see her new chicks, she raises her wings to their normal settled position, showing that she has been standing a little clear of the ground to accommodate her two newly-hatch chicks (& a third egg).
0:15 - Altynai looks around her. She starts to stand up.
0:21 - The newest eaglet is revealed, emerges squirming from underneath the thick bustle of his mother’s under-feathers, so freshly Hatched he is still wet from being in his egg.
0:33 - Altynai raises her wings high at the shoulders, stretching them as she starts to back out of the nest bowl. As she does so, the oldest eaglet is also revealed: to be facing her, standing as tall as he can, all tiny, white & fluffy. He clearly wants something from her. Food!
0:46 - He topples over as his eyes & body track Altynai intently but recovers immediately. His younger brother, still squirming, is right beside him.
0:55 - Altynai moves clear of the nest bowl, stretching her right paw as she turns. She out a bark-squark as a characteristic prelude to her leaving the nest, walking to its periphery.
1:02 - Altynai flies off directly out of the nest, taking off with a muscular leg drive & wing flap to thrust her into the air clear of the left tree limb. An eager fluffy eaglet watches intently. The newly-hatched one is still belly-down, finding a sense of itself in this new world.
Altynai’s deep barking squarks can be heard in the distance around the nest.
[file name: vokoscreenNG-2022-05-28_14-39-25_edit - CLIPPED in ]
Sourced from this live stream:
“Гнездо Солнечного Орла/Могильника/Aquila heliaca/Eastern imperial eagle в Татарстане, Россия“
#солнечныйорел #aquilaheliaca #bird #eagle #wildlife #nature #birdbanding #дикаяприрода #природа #челны #елабуга #eaglelovers #birdwatching #live #imperialeagle #могильник #russianbirds #альметьевск
#орланбелохвост #nizhnyayakama #nationalpark
#нижняякама #национальныйпарк #нпнижняякама #гнездоналипе #стрим
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2 years ago 00:10:10 1
Second Hatchling’s Second Appearance! Altynai The Eagle 🦅 Алтынай — Солнечные Орлы