Artist: 岸田教団&THE明星ロケッツ (Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets)
Album: 星空ロジック (Starry Sky Logic / Hoshizora Logic)
Title: ただ凛として (Tada Rin Toshite)
Track: 1/7
More info:
This is the first track from studioK2’s fifth release, Starry Sky Logic (aka Hoshizora Logic). It came out on December 31, 2007 at Comiket 73.
I first heard this album about a year and a half ago. At the time, I had no idea what Comiket was, nor was I aware of the vast hordes of fans that produced this awesome music. I had just begun to listen to some rock/metal arrangements made primarily by touhou fans, and figured that this was just another niche offshoot (a niche-niche)?
It turns out that it isn’t touhou arrangements and it isn’t based on any doujin game (that I’m aware of), just a straight rock album production by studioK2.
Anyway, I really enjoyed this album, and since this is a niche-niche(?) sort of music, I thought it would be worthwhile to share it with the rest of the unknowing world. It has Japanese vocals throughout, and very catchy classic-style rock along with it. Even if you don’t understand Japanese, you’ll find at least some of the songs enjoyable.
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