״ארץ בה נולדנו, ארץ בה נחייה
יהיה מה שיהיה…״
(מילים ולחן: שייקה פייקוב)
השיר הזה מלווה אותנו בחודשים האחרונים, ועכשיו, כשבאוויר יש זיכרון ועצמאות, מרגישים שהוא מבטא את שניהם, את מנעד הרגשות שעוברים עלינו בימים אלה. בטוב וברע, אנחנו בוחרים בארץ האהובה שלנו כל פעם מחדש.
This song has been playing in our heads these past few months. And now, as Yom Hazikaron and Yom Haatzmaut approach us, we feel it connects us to both days, and expresses the many emotions that come with them. Through pain and joy, we choose our beloved land time and time again.
״Land that we were born in, land in which we’ll stay, come what may…”
Music & Lyrics: Shaike Paikov
A land, a land, a land,
a land of a light blue sky without a cloud ,
and the sun is to it (to the land)
like milk and honey.
A land we were born in
a land we will live in,
and we will continue living here
no matter what happens.
A land that we’ll love,
like Mother and Father,
a land of the people,
a land forever.
A land we were born in
a land we will live in,
no matter what happens.
A land, a land, a land,
the sea up against the shore,
and flowers and children
without end.
In the North - the Sea of Galilee,
In the South - sands,
And the East to the West
kisses the borders.
A land that we’ll love...
A land, a land, a land,
land of the Torah,
you’re the source of light
and the language of faith.
A land, a land, a land,
a dear land,
you promised
that it is not a fairytale.
A land that we’ll love...
צילום: אביטל הירש
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