Cecil Forsyth, Chanson Celtique | Rudolf Barshai & Semyon Stuchevsky

This performance, along with more than half the album it comes with, was recently taken off of every streaming service, leaving the only means of listening to it with outright buying the album. This wouldn’t really be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that it costs $60, making this already obscure work ever more inaccessible. It is my belief that in the modern age of streaming, beautiful music such as this should be freely accessible, rather than locked behind a steep, honestly goofy paywall. This isn’t to say that the rest of A Tribute to Rudolf Barshai is by any means a bad album. No, it’s absolutely incredible. It’s just a little silly that there’s no way to find the individual works online anymore. I will likely upload more recordings from this album in the near future, most notably Barshai’s incredible performance of Vladimir Kryukov’s viola sonata.
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