Wisconsin Supercell and Lightning Time-lapse - 2/8/2024

Multiple time-lapses from the Sullivan, Wisconsin area of the southern Wisconsin tornadic supercell as it works into the region and off to the east-northeast. This supercell produced the first tornado ever for February in Wisconsin. It also produced some stunning lightning activity as it worked across the region. Piles of snow can still be seen on the ground in a timelapse or two. Shot Description 00:00 First timelapse of the supercell working toward the camera as there is a barrage of lightning. 00:17 Second timelapse of the supercell working away from the camera with a barrage of lightning surrounding it. 00:35 A third timelapse of the severe storms and supercell working across the region from an open field as cars drive by and constant lightning flashes. 00:47 A final timelapse of the storms working through the region with lightning flashing in the background, lighting up the piles of snow sitting in the open field in the foreground. SID: Charlie Bourdo #Lightning #WIWX #weather To help support our freelancers, buy them coffee. To License This Footage For Broadcast, Contact Video @ Our Team Merch Store -
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