Living Outside His Presence! Part Two |Magnificent Life Daily Devotion

Living Outside His Presence! Part Two “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. “ James 4:7 The Israelites walked around for 40 years living outside of God’s presence. They wandered in the wilderness, and God was angry with them for their unbelief and rebellion. We can learn from their story that it’s not good to live without God’s presence. We need to be close to Him, and when we are living in sin, we must repent and turn back to Him. He is always willing to forgive and welcome us back into His loving arms. I understand that the careless person living in sin might be walking on a tightrope and be completely unaware of their danger. They may say to themselves, “Peace, peace, “ when there is no peace. However, the peace they seek is only temporary and will not last. The Bible tells us that the wages of sin are death (Romans 6:23). The careless person living in sin is walking in darkness and do
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