Finlandiya Tatarları belän interview – VIII Tatar Yäşläre Forumı (VIII World Forum of Tatar Youth)

Finlandiyada yäşäwçe kaderle kardäşlärebez belän tiz arada gına (alar kitär aldınnan tönge säat berlärdä bu) istälekkä video töşerep kaldırgan idek. 🔎Latin yazuı turında ukırga: ►Т%... ►В%... 🎶Yañragan cırlar: Yabalak - Tanımasam da sagındım Başkarma - Soñlama, kil inde Başkarma - Kaytuıñnı sagınırmın This is a little interview with my Tatar friends from Finland about the Tatar language, how they preserve it, etc. We also did a little experiment reading a sentence in Tatar with Finnish and Kazan accents. Thanks for watching! Give it a big thumbs-up in case you liked it and share it with your friends! And be sure to S U B S C R I B E! ;-) ►VK:
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