Hombrew Sinclair QL Power Supply

In this video, I build a power supply for a sinclair QL by following an old schematic I found on the internet. I talk through how the various power rails are created by the power supply and in the computer itself. I put the power supply through several tests and eventually hook it up to a real Sinclair QL. The finished product is pretty raw. I built it out of curiosity in order to try and learn something. I am not an electrical engineer, just a hobbyist with an interest. The video is for entertainment only. I am explaining it to myself as much as other people. The schematic that the power supply is based on can be found here: It was designed by 1024MAK Example of MP1584 DC-DC Converter: 15-0-15 3VA transformer I used: Early Video Showing ATX Comversion from Stock (inc 9v - rough audio): (No affiliations) Good Luck All
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