Silverstone Milo 10 Casing Review - IT IS SMALL!

The Silverstone Milo 10, or ML10 (as the product model says) is a very tiny casing. Compact isn’t even the word for it because it’s really TINY, so tiny that I had a tough time getting the cables into position so you’ll have to watch this video to find out the details. BUT one thing’s for sure, you MUST WATCH THE ENDING OF THIS VIDEO! (skip to 8:09) What it is, is a great solution for one who wants ultra-compact tiny casing with little to no footprint or hook behind a monitor. It’s along the line of NUC and other type of compact case but with so much more flexibility and I think that’s where the value is. Need more storage or more cooling? There’s no need to change casing or buy a new NUC, you can expand along with the change in volume by just swapping out the panels. 0:00 Intro 0:48 The Details and Assembly 1:42 Configurations available 1:54 Powering the TINY Silvestone ML10 2:09 Sharing my findings - it’s challenging to setup! 6:30 The verdict 8:09 The Ending The product page for Silverstone Milo 10
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