神舟十八号航天员顺利进驻中国空间站!神舟十七号和神舟十八号乘组”胜利会师太空“Shenzhou 18 astronauts successfully entered CN Space Station
4 月 26 日消息,中国载人航天工程办公室宣布,神舟十八号载人飞船和空间站组合体,成功实现自主快速交会对接,神舟十八号航天员乘组从飞船返回舱进入轨道舱。北京时间今日 5 时 04 分,在轨执行任务的神舟十七号航天员乘组顺利打开“家门”,欢迎远道而来的神舟十八号航天员乘组入驻“天宫”。随后,两个航天员乘组拍下“全家福”,共同向牵挂他们的全国人民报平安。
On April 26, the China Manned Space Engineering Office announced that the Shenzhou 18 manned spacecraft and space station combination successfully achieved autonomous rapid rendezvous and docking, and the Shenzhou 18 astronaut crew entered the orbital module from the spacecraft return capsule. At 5:04 Beijing time today, the Shenzhou 17 astronauts and crew on the mission in orbit successfully opened their “home“ and welcomed the Shenzhou 18 astronauts from afar to settle in the “Tiangong“. Later, the two astronaut crew took a “family photo“ and jointly reported their safety to the people across the country who were concerned about them.
神舟十八号航天员顺利进驻中国空间站!神舟十七号和神舟十八号乘组”胜利会师太空“Shenzhou 18 astronauts successfully entered CN Space Station
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