U1 Impaction Treatment|【Chris Chang Ortho】CC806

[case report] This presentation features the surgical design and mechanics of an impacted upper central incisor. First, use closed eruption technique to access the upward impaction and then design an anchorage system combining a screw, elastics and a 3D-lever arm. Once the impaction has erupted, bond Damon’s low torque bracket and 14 CuNiTi wire to bring it to the occlusion. 本篇報告詳細說明該如何以手術暴露先上顎阻生門牙,黏上橡皮筋和3D lever arm,然後再表面縫合。透過此拉出牙齒的力學設計,促使阻生齒萌發。萌發後再黏上Damon的low torque bracket和14 CuNiTi 線將原本向上生長的阻生齒拉至咬合面。
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