Ellie’s Halo Brace!

It has not been a good summer for Ellie. No sooner had classes let out, then she had a bicycle accident that left her in a halo brace with a broken neck. After weeks in the hospital, and more time stuck at home, she is finally feeling up to getting outside again. Ellie makes her way to the local mall to meet a friend. At first, she wanders around and waits, but eventually her friend arrives. Together, they go window shopping, visit an arcade, try out a photo booth and then stop for lunch. All the while Ellie shows how she has adapted to living in her halo, unable to move her head. She is still getting used to the stares from other people too. But she is determined to enjoy herself despite being stuck in a halo for the next few months. 🚑 If you would like to support us and engage more with us then please join our Patreon: (Disclaimer: Any injuries or accidents in videos are not real. They are all just staged for story purpose)
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