Mutton Bustin’ 🐑 2023 Coors Cowboy Club Ranch Rodeo | Thursday

Even the youngsters get to test their riding skills during this ranch rodeo. Falling off a sheep is less risky than falling off cattle and horses but they can come out of the chute surprisingly fast. #CCCRR #MuttonBusting #Rodeo #RanchRodeo Fourteen working cattle ranches compete for honors at the Coors Cowboy Club Ranch Rodeo in Amarillo, Texas. Each invited ranch competes as a team and only the 12 top teams will be invited back the following year. All the events in this rodeo reflect the type of skills used by working cowboys on cattle ranches throughout the year. The ages and experience of the team members may vary quite a bit as these are not professional rodeo cowboys. For more information about the Coors Cowboy Club organization and the ranch rodeo results, here is a link to the official website: This documentary film is a product of the Heritage Preservation Project.
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