[Trailer] 喋血街頭 ( Bullet In The Head )

Bullet In The Head 喋血街頭 (1990) 導演: 吳宇森 領銜主演: 梁朝偉, 張學友, 李子雄 主演: 任達華, 袁潔螢, 甄楚倩 阿 B 為人重情義, 與輝仔, 細榮於貧民區長大, 因誤殺高利貸而無處容身. 三人把心一橫, 於 67 年香港暴動之際, 逃往越南闖天下, 不料當地政局急轉. 細榮不欲空手而回, 逐向貪官下手劫走一批黃金, 在逃亡過程中遇上越共, 輝仔頭部中槍…… 阿 B 傷愈醒來, 發覺細榮利慾薰心, 兄弟間情義亦盡. Director: JOHN WOO Starring: TONY LEUNG, JACKY CHEUNG, WAISE LEE Co-Starring: SIMON YAM, FENNIE YUEN, YOLINDA YAM Three childhood friends Ben, Frank and Paul fight to prove their places in two riotous worlds - the uprising-ridden Hong Kong and Viet Cong-infested Saigon in the 1960’s. They run into bloody troubles with ruthless gangs, corrupt militia and eventually against each other. © 2010 Fortune STAR Media Limited. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.
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