Dive into the Red Sea with deep meditation music
This underwater video was made in Dahab (EGYPTE, Sinaï), Teya and i, filmed during 2 weeks, in 3 differents spots.
Sinaï is a big desert with mostly rocky mountain and almost no green & vegetation but when you dive on the sea, it’s an abundance of life, reef, fish, seaweed... a big contrast
Very often, water is so clear, that fish seems to fly
This area is well known for big & consistent wind, but the best video comes when the water is glassy, without wind.
The other challenge on this film, was to keep opened eyes unlike the water is heavy salted.
Original soundtrack TETOUZE & INDORIAND “After shade comes the light“ on Labo Logic record :
Teya (main camera operator)
#underwater #flute #redsea #didgeridoo