Deveykus: Hasidic Doom Metal

Deveykus is Trombonist Dan Blacksberg’s latest brainchild, blending traditional Ashkenazic Jewish Music with Doom Metal. The idea was conceived by Blacksberg in 2012; he decided to collaborate with musicians whose backgrounds spanned experimental rock, metal, Jazz and Jewish music to form the band. Deveykus is: Nick Millevoi, Guitar Yoshie Fruchter, Guitar Johnny DeBlase, Bass Eli Litwin, Drums and Dan Blacksberg, Trumbone In Hebrew, Deveykus means: “To Cleave to god“ and refers to an ecstatic, trance-like state brought on by the singing of Nigunim. The video was captured at Johnny Brenda’s in Philadelphia and marked the debut of Pillar Without Mercy in Philadelphia.
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