Raycast Projectile 3D Bullet Tutorial | FPS Attempt 9 | Godot Engine 4

Godot4 version: git build 3863199ab9 OS: Win 10 I use intersect_ray() function to implement the bullet. This week, a rough projectile system was implemented with a variety of features, including controllable speed and direction, object type detection, penetration, ricochet, flyby sound, and particle and sound effects for impact. Furthermore, since this is a video I recorded earlier, the GDScript code conventions I presented in the video do not conform to the recommendations in the Godot documentation. Docs: [ ] ==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==* =*= References: =*= -info: “Unity accurate projectiles in 6 steps“, Codeer “Godot-Engine-FPS“, Droivox -arm rig: “Insurgency 2014 Custom Animation Multi-Rig“ -as
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