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Live Black stork nest camera in Estonia Find out more here: Forum in English: The Black Stork nest camera is situated in Jõgeva County in Estonia. We have known about this breeding site since the late 1990s, but in 2004 the nest became uninhabited. Black storks came back to this nest only a couple of years ago. This is an old artificial nest, on which we built a new platform in the early spring of 2021. Considering the critical situation of the black stork in Estonia, it is a small miracle that the birds came back to here. The black storks nesting here in 2021 were named Jan and Jaanika. 2021 season 1st egg - 12 May, 2nd egg - 14 May, 3rd egg - 16 May, 4th egg - 18 May The 1st and 2nd chick hatched - June 14, the 3rd chick hatched - June 16, the 4th chick hatched - June 17. One of the chicks died of unknown cause on July 12. The chicks were ring
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