“Keto & Kote“ by Viktor Dolidze (1890-1933) is one of the first ever Georgian operas. Based on Akvsenti Tsagareli’s theater play “Khanuma“ and premiered in 1919 during the classical music explosion brought by all too short independence of Democratic Republic Of Georgia, this comic opera masterfully combines multiethnic colours of then-contemporary Georgia with excellent singing melodies, letting some of its arias be popular even now and subject to many pop interpretations. This opera buffa made it into the 1947 movie that combines the elements of the opera and original “Khanuma“ play.
He has also written several other operas, such as “Zamira“, “Tsisana“ and “Leila“ - which are still extremely obscure, remaining unavailable to wide public.
Keto - Angelina MIkaberidze
Kote (tenor) - Grigol Geguchadze
Siqo (tenor) - Shalva Tetunashvili
Saqo (baritone) - Zurab Svanidze
Makar (bass) - Vladimer Khomashuridze
5 months ago 01:23:20 1
Приказано взять живым (1983)
1 year ago 00:02:06 1
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