Oval_Romantiq_ I Infringe the Copyright. Send message to: lorenzosimeoni64@ I will remove video. Thank you. aaanD Live long & Prosper. - The music of Markus Popp is endlessly curious. Since the early 90s his pioneering albums as Oval have continually excavated new spaces in electronic music, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape. Popp’s playful and singular approach to sound has continually left critics and peers alike confounded by his ability to conjure such lithe, evocative sonics from software. Celebrated collaborations with Jan St. Werner as Microstoria remain foundational texts in underground music, while a rare split record with Liturgy exemplifies Popp’s reach and influence outside electronic spheres. With each release Oval continues to blossom into new digital spaces, combining a wide-eyed sense of wonder with astute technical prowess in his exploration of cutting-edge technologies. His new album Romantiq turns the producer’s inqui
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6 months ago 00:00:52 1
Which one are you taking? New Arrivals - Rings - Diamond Aquamarine Amethyst Kunzite