epic mafti blender animation test
Hey gamers, It’s been quite a while. It’s my birthday 2 day and I wanted to celebrate it with u guys with a video of mafti dancing :OO. I’ve finally graduated high school just yesterday and I’m starting the next chapters of my life along with many others! As you probably already noticed, I’m not good at being very open with you guys, and I’m sorry. These past few years have been a little difficult for me to update you guys on what I’ve been doing, and it’s because I’ve been going through a lot of changes. I know some of u guys are already aware, but I’m turning over a new leaf I guess you could say. I’ve been developing plans and visions for what I wanna do in the future. And so far, I’m really happy with how it’s shaping out. as for why I unlisted all my videos, I didn’t necessarily like the direction of where I was going with my content on youtube now that I have something in mind. I might make a playlist of some old animations and