Asha Elijah (aka Asha & Asher Quinn) sings ’Dragon child’ from his album “Butterfly in Chains.“ CD/download soon.
This song came into my soul in 3 ways.
My wife described our two sons (now 28 & 24) as ’dragon children’ recently when I visited London. Meaning that she feels they are protected spiritually as they make their way in the world.
No sooner do we arrive and establish roots than we are preparing to leave and return home to God, a little the wiser for this incarnation, perhaps.
And I am myself a dragon child in Chinese astrology!
But principally I feel that this song channels the soul of the Hungarian poet Miklós Radnóti, into whose poetry, life and times I have immersed myself recently, following an inner calling.
I discover that where I now live in Lipotváros, central Budapest, I am walking the very streets he walked all his life. He married his childhood sweetheart Fanni, who survived him by 70 years, and she lived in their tiny apartment just over the road until she died there in 2014, aged 101.
I must have walked past it 1,001 times without ever knowing, sometimes from 2011-2014 with Fanni inside.
He was born in 1909, and his first poems were published in 1930. He died in 1944, murdered as a Jew by Hungarian fascists. He had converted to Catholicism in the 1930’s, not as a political strategy but because he felt the Christ in his soul.
In 1931, his 2nd anthology of verse was banned, his humanist poetry absurdly judged as heretical and anti-Christian. By 1938 Jews, some of whose families had been Hungarian for generations, were declared ’foreigners’ without rights any longer. Next, in 1939, Hungarian Jews were conscripted into forced labour camps to serve the war effort on the side of the axis powers.
Then, in 1944, some 400,000 Jews were murdered by Hungarians in Budapest and the countryside, as well as those deported to Auschwitz by Germans.
I am a Jew myself, my birth mother being a Jewess whose family escaped the Russian pogroms and fled to England around the time Radnóti was born. She was born in the year his poems were banned.
I have migrated to Hungary for spiritual reasons, and one thread is to explore the Hungarian Jewish issue, with a view to understanding the bigger cosmic sweep of man’s inhumanity to man.
I am also a poet in song, and a Christian mystic. Poets are the most dangerous beings to ’the beast,’ to the inhuman war machine. What happened in central Europe in the 1930’s & 1940’s happened again in Hungary’s 1956 uprising, then as Yugoslavia broke up in the 1990’s, and is happening right now in Ukraine.
Love, beauty, truth, goodness, imagination, creativity and innocence are slaughtered at such times by Godless, mechanistically thinking assassins, as Jesus was. Artists, thinkers & lovers are rounded up, and many perish.
Love is murdered by fear; symbolism by dogma; art by militarism, and truth by propaganda.
In Ukraine right now, 19 year-old Russian soldiers are killing Ukrainians indiscriminately, and raping women. In a different atmosphere, without ’the beast’ present, they would be laughing, playing and loving together. They are the same folk.
My song does not directly reference Radnóti, but the music, lyrics and home-made film all feel channeled. Here is a poem of his that touches me:
In your two arms
In your two arms I rock
In my two arms you rock
in silence.
In your two arms I am a child,
In my two arms you are a child,
In your two arms you enfold me
when I’m afraid.
In my two arms I enfold you
And I no longer fear.
In your two arms
even death’s silence
cannot frighten me.
In your two arms
I overcome death
as in a dream.
He wrote right up until the day he died, taken to a forest and shot with 21 others, too wounded to work any longer on a forced march, as the Russians advanced and the Germans retreated.
His last poems were found in his trench-coat when his body was exhumed in 1946, and sent to Fanni, who published them posthumously.
I dedicate this song to the memory of Miklós Radnóti with words that came into me as a gift from God, as Radnóti’s poetry was for the Hungarians.
Dragon child
Protected by the angels
And the hero of the sun
And the shepherd of the mountain
And the star of Bethlehem
She will find her song
Under the sea
It was written just for her
Her prophecy
And all the cherubs
And the seraphs of the sky
And all the Holy mothers
Bless the dragon child
What treasure is this?
Her heavenly kiss
The thunder cries
Of the dragon child
The air is sweet
Where lovers meet
Beyond the blue
He waits for you
She fires her arrow
Into the night
And all the broken pieces
Are shards of light
The water flows
Where love goes
Beyond the pain
Forgiveness reigns
Into the wild
Into the sun
You are not defiled
My darling young one
Undress the moonlight
And start to pray
His dream is your reality
I heard her say
Shine your light
The day is young
Shine your light
My darling young one
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