[ARCHIVE] TNO Custom Super-events. Post-Sihanouk Kampuchea. (FICTION) [Ikari Gendo]

Disclaimer: this video does not condone or support any individuals, groups or ideologies presented in this video. This video also does not condone or support the harassment of any individuals, groups or ideologies presented in this video. All depictions of individuals, groups or ideologies presented in this video are fictitious and do not accurately represent any individuals, groups or ideologies. All depictions of individuals, groups or ideologies presented in this video are for artistic purposes only and is not supposed to be taken seriously. I delivered video that people are asking. The Creator of the channel still around had to delete his channel for Copyright conflicts reasons. Don’t mind copying the format to @p0sthum0us for credits of format down to the video description. Also thanks for correcting the video’s description. Also, thanks to @ouddomsong5551 for finding additional songs that updated in video’s description. Also him for correct for actually username
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