TWS Vault: Jason Hernandez Ep 41 | Back in LA with Romero, Salazar, Leeper, Janoski

Coming back from Miami and getting right back into it. It looks like the Foundation guys were in town, probably staying at our apartment. I had a few different crews of skaters I’d film with often. Either the guys in the next TWS video, the Sacto crew, or Daniel Shimizu and I would be out lurking around LA looking for new spots. Watching Omar Salazar at the end of this episode is a perfect example of how you had to treat Omar sometimes. Stefan would literally have to stop him from doing a trick over and over again. He had so much energy and if he did a trick once he most likely wanted to do it again. Sometimes he literally didn’t know any better and we’d have to tell him, “No Omar stop“ :) Featuring Stefan Janoski, Kyle Leeper, Thomas Bonilla, Daniel Shimizu, Seu Trinh, Gareth Stehr, Leo Romero, DJ Chavez, Ethan Fowler, Raymond Molinar, Omar Salazar, and Brandon Biebel. I start each video the same way, I pick two to five DV tapes (in order) from my TransWorld DV drawer. I r
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