
上個月台台到河南開封呆了幾天,琳瑯滿目的小吃是看花了眼也吃撐了胃。其中有一道雞蛋灌餅給我們留下了極為深刻的印象,這道街頭巷尾再尋常不過的小吃,在開封人的手裏脫胎換骨:外皮起酥香脆,內裏灌足了4個雞蛋,軟嫩多汁,那叫壹個外焦裏嫩,口齒流香! Last month we spent a few days in Kaifeng, Henan, and we were genuinely dazzled by the snacks of various kinds. Among them, Egg filled pancake is a very impressive one. It may be common, but the Kaifeng version is not: crispy pancake wrapping four eggs inside, juicy and tender. You too will be impressed by the savory aftertaste.
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