PROSESNYA MUDAH !! Buat Motif Marmer Warna Coklat Tua !! Marble Paint Trick

Tehnik dan trick yg mudah !! buat motif marmer warna coklat tua,dg tehnik yg mudah di pahami ,warna yg simple,dg tehnik gurit sandal untuk effect retak motif marmer, dg menggunakan cat tembok elastex ,bisa untuk semua merk cat tembok,di video ini saya menggunakan cat tembok elastex merk nippon paint, untuk warna motif marmer yaitu coklat tua,hitam,oranye,putih,semoga bermanfaat,terima kasih telah menonton. Easy techniques and tricks!! make a dark brown marble motif, with a technique that is easy to understand, simple colors, with a slipper technique for the cracked effect of marble motifs, using elastex wall paint, can be used for all brands of wall paint, in this video I use brand elastex wall paint nippon paint, for the color of the marble motif, namely dark brown, black, orange, white, I hope it is useful, thank you for watching.
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