(16 Jun 1999) Natural Sound British troops today linked up with a Russian convoy taking supplies to Moscow’s detachment of troops at Pristina airport. Armoured vehicles from the Household Cavalry met the Russian convoy at 0600 gmt. The rendezvous, 20 miles (34 kms) north of Pristina, is the most northerly point in the province that UK troops have yet reached. The mission is intended to show the co-operation between Russian and British troops, who are both part of K-FOR operations. Nine Russian vehicles also crossed into Kosovo from Serbia at Podujevo on Wednesday morning. They are carrying fuel, water, food and medical supplies to the airport, which has been a source of tension between NATO and Moscow since it was occupied by Russian troops in a pre-dawn swoop early on Saturday. On the road northwards, where fighting between the Kosovo Liberation Army and the Yugoslav Army has been reported, the British vehicles passed several burning houses. Most of the villages had already been ransacked and homes had been destroyed. Some buildings had been sprayed with gunfire and bullet holes were left in glass and metal. Graffiti sprayed by Serb troops was on many buildings. Columns of Yugoslav troops were also passed, many accompanied by family cars and trucks filled with goods. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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