Kensaku Kishida『what’s enemy?』【Music Video】
Kensaku Kishida
New Digital Single Release
「what’s enemy?」
music/lyric Kensaku Kishida
説明文(国内向) :
what’s enemy?=何が敵なのか? いまだ世界に浸食し続ける新型コロナウィルス。その影響は人体に悪影響を及ぼすだけでなく、経済の下落や緩和の目処も立たず未来が見えなくなる事などで、人の心まで浸食しセンシティブにしていった。 その結果、ウィルスの影響ではない部分で発生する「人災」 人と人が傷つけ合う 人類の本当の敵は一体何なのか? 一番怖いのは本当にコロナウィルスなのか? ダークな中にどこか切なさや怒りを感じるミドルHip HopトラックにKensakuの想いをリリックに乗せ訴える
説明文(海外向) :
The new coronavirus which I continue still eroding in the world. Not only it adversely affected the human body, but also eroded the prospect of a fall and the relaxation of the economy until the heart of the person without standing by losing the eyesight of the future and it was sensitive and did the influence. As a result, “a man-made disaster“ to occur in a few part under the influence of the virus A person and a person injure it On earth what is the true enemy of the human? Is it really coronavirus that is the most scared? I put thought of Kensaku on the lyric poem and accuse it at middle Hip Hop truck feeling some sadness and painfulness and anger inside which is dark
【岸田健作 / Kensaku Kishida】
岸田健作 / Kensaku Kishida
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