
This video contains spoilers!!! New homestucks please be careful lmao “does this coUnt as casUal spoilers? :U” QUICK DISCLAIMER: just because a ship in this video is implied doesn’t mean i ship it n lets please not start shipping discourse in the comments because its 2020 and thats 2013 behaviour Anyway yeah this took like a month to finish (because i get distracted so easily) and I also would have scrapped it if Dirk DIDN’T get sprites because ahahaha funny April Fools joke!! thank god he did get them though jfc Holy SHIT was it hard trying to get every character with a sprite a part in the video that wasn’t just the ending. Every character is there, yet a few of them are moreso “blink and you’ll miss them” type situations. CREDITS: Edited Sprites - Me Song - Polka Face by Weird Al Yankovic
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