Hegel’s Science of Logic: Lectures by Stephen Houlgate (1 of 18)

In these lectures, Professor Stephen Houlgate offers elucidating and helpful guidance into the notoriously difficult philosophical text The Science of Logic (Wissenschaft der Logik), written by the 19th Century German philosopher G. W. F. Hegel. The Science of Logic (also known as the Greater Logic) seeks to provide a systematic examination to the question of what it means to be. To be anything at all and what it means to be something specifically. What is it to be something at all? What is existence? What is a quality? What is it to be finite? Does the thought of limitations not suggest that thinking is somehow already beyond those? What is infinity? These are only a sample of the questions that Professor Houlgate investigates in Hegel’s formidable treatise in the course of these lectures. These lectures will focus primarily from the beginning of the book up to the section called “The One and the Many” in the Doctrine of Being. There are two widely used English translations of The Science of
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