Panoramic Photographs of San Francisco (1877 & 1906 Post Earthquake) + Mark Hopkins Mansion Tower
Howdy ya’ll. Today we are going to look at a couple incredible photographs, including what is considered to be the pioneering and first panoramic photograph of San Francisco, taken in the year 1877 by Eadweard Muybridge. We will use Panoramic Photographs from 1906 to compare and contrast the magnitude of the 1906 Earthquake.
The 1877 image was taken from atop the Mark Hopkins Mansion Tower, the mansion itself being the tallest structure in San Francisco at that time. The mansion was cutting edge, complete with the latest industrial age technologies, including a private trolley line which connected to greater San Francisco. The Mansion survived the Great Earthquake of 1906, only to be lost to fires in the days following.
We will look at official U.S. photographs of the aftermath of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. Quite a narrative, but the photographs here are the real meat and potatoes. Much Old World style architecture lost.
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