NOTHING CAN BE RULED OUT - ON RUSSIA’S RESPONSE TO WESTERN WARMONGERING: Medvedev gives #Washington stark warning about consequ

NOTHING CAN BE RULED OUT - ON RUSSIA’S RESPONSE TO WESTERN WARMONGERING: Medvedev gives #Washington stark warning about consequences of #NATO becoming DIRECT party to conflict after : #Putin ended with the following words: there will definitely be an answer. This concerns both what has happened and possible further escalation. Absolutely everyone who is whipping up military hysteria today, primarily in the NATO bloc, the United States of America and a number of other states, should think about this - Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council Medvedev (00:56 in vid above).< /blockquote> Western presstitutes already admitting test of is step - only thing left to do is see if willing to trigger nuclear annihilation... Source: Lord Of War
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