Poštovani pčelari početnici, vaše pčele u jesen prvo morate ih pregledati i pripremiti za simski deo godine. Zavisi od tipa košnice, ali svakako treba imati u vidu; sa koliko hrane zazimljavate pčelu, Zamena nastavka ako je nastavljača, ako ne onda treba sužavati leglo ako je potrebno, staviti češljeve, zaštiti od varoe, prihraniti sirupom, sužavati leta itd.
Dear beginner beekeepers, you must first inspect your bees in the fall and prepare them for the summer part of the year. It depends on the type of hive, but you should definitely keep in mind; how much food do you winterize the bee with, replacement of the extension if it is a continuation, if not then you should narrow the brood if necessary, put combs, protect against varroa, fill with syrup, narrow the summer, etc.