Gankaku / 岩鶴

Gankaku / 岩鶴 今日はGankakuの練習動画をupしました。🎥🥋 形の中でも難易度が高く、動きも難しい形です。 (Today I uploaded a video of me practicing Gankaku. 🎥🥋 This is one of the more difficult forms, and the movements are quite challenging.) ▶︎▶︎日頃の練習や試合動画をupしたいと思っています。 設定から画質を高画質に変えて見るのをオススメします。 不慣れな点もありますが、大目に見て下さると嬉しいです。 チャンネル登録、goodボタン宜しくお願いします🙇🏻👍🏼 (▶︎▶︎I would like to upload videos of my daily practice and matches. I recommend changing the image quality to high quality in the settings. There are some parts that I am not very familiar with, so I would appreciate it if you could overlook them. Please subscribe to my channel and click the like button🙇🏻👍🏼) #本一将 #空手 #松濤館 #形 #kazumasamoto #karate #shotokan #kata #gankaku
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