박수하면 떠오르는 노래는? K-POP New ICONS! 핫이슈가 커버하는 박수 커버 댄스!ㅣTEEN TOPㅣSEVENTEENㅣSUPER JUNIORㅣHOT ISSUE

박수하면 떠오르는 노래는? K-POP New ICONS! 핫이슈가 커버하는 박수 커버 댄스!ㅣTEEN TOPㅣSEVENTEENㅣSUPER JUNIORㅣHOT ISSUE #HOTISSUE#SEVENTEEN#SUPERJUNIOR#TEENTOP#ICONS#New1theKOriginal#1theK#원더케이#원더케이오리지널 K-pop clap dance covered by HOT ISSUE! Which song represents your generation among the “Clap” songs that make you clap just by the title? Don’t you think something is missing in HOT ISSUE’s performances? Nothing. They’re the best.❤ Vote for the song out of the following three that comes to your mind when you think about clap. 🗳 TEEN TOP’s “Clap” vs SEVENTEEN’s “Clap” vs SUPER JUNIOR’s “SUPER Clap” Vote here�...� * The full version of the dance cover of the most voted song will be released on the official YouTube channel of HOT ISSUE later on! 🔥HOT ISSUE YouTube : 🔥HOT ISSUE Twitter : 🔥HOT ISSUE Facebook : 🔥HOT ISSUE Instagram : 🔥HOT ISSUE TikTok : https://www
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