Om Jayanti Mangala Kali Mantra | Kali Mantra Jaap | 108 Times
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Om Jayanti Mangala Kali Bhadra Kali Kapalini
Durga Kshama Shiva Dhatri Swaha Swadha Namostute
Salutations to Jayanti (Who is Ever-Victorious), Mangala (Who is the bestower of Auspiciousness), Kali (Who is beyond Kala or Time), Bhadrakali (Who is the controller of Life and Death, being beyond Kala or Time), Kapalini (Who wear a Garland of Skulls) Salutations to Durga (Who is Durgati-Nashini), Shiva (Who is Ever-Auspicious and One with Shiva as His Consort), Kshama (Who is an embodiment of Forbearance), Dhatri (Who is the Supporter of all Beings), Swaha (Who is the final receiver of the Sacrificial Oblations to Gods) and Swadha (Who is the final receiver of the Sacrificial Oblations to Manes); Salutations to You.
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