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Actor D.O.’s
Method(?) acting
“The last night has come. The EXO-Man may begin acting.”
It’s the last night, so it’s time for the second EXO-Man trial!
D.O. is getting nervous as the suspicions keep closing in! 👀
Will D.O. be able to hide his identity as the EXO-Man till the end?
마지막 밤, 두 번째 엑소맨 재판이 시작됐다!
점점 조여오는 수사망에 긴장하는 디오!👀
과연, 엑소맨 디오는 끝까지 정체를 숨길 수 있을까?
풀버전은 #wavve 에서 확인하세요!
🌊wavve 👉
#EXO #엑사세_통영_거제 #엑사세4 #exostwol
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