Prepositions Song | In, on, under, behind

*What FOOD do you LIKE?* *Dance to our ANIMAL SONG!* *Our new FAMILY SONG will make you DANCE!* *Our new MONTHS song* *Our COOL COUNTING BY TENS song* *LYRICS* IN, ON, UNDER, BEHIND (X4) The fruit is in the fridge The toy is in the box The bird in in the nest The plate is in the cupboard The pen is on the chair The book is on the bed The ball is on the rug The plant is on the table IN, ON, UNDER, BEHIND (X4) The mouse in under the bed The dog is under the chair The bug is under the box The cat is under the table The duck is behind the tree The sun is behind the cloud The girl is behind the car The boy is behind the door IN, ON, UNDER, BEHIND (X4) *Follow us!* TikTok @littleenglishsongs Instagram @englishlittlesongs Facebook @englishlittlesongs
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