Sri Aurobindo’s Gayatri Mantra version is being recited 108 times as in classical Japa Mala.
Sri Aurobindo wrote the Gayatri for the thread ceremony of Doraiswamy’s son Mithran, since he had vowed that only if Sri Aurobindo gave the Mantra, he would perform the ceremony.
Sri Aurobindo wrote it on a small piece of paper but that seems to be not available now. Sri Aurobindo did not write the English translation. Most probably it was done by Purani who was close to Doraiswamy or by Nolini, perhaps the latter.
This Mantra has exactly 8 8 8 syllables, thus respecting the Gayatri Vedic meter:
Tat Sa-vi-tur Va-ram Ru-pam, (8 syllabes)
Jyo-ti Pa-ras-ya Dhi-ma-hi (8 syllabes)
Yan-nah Sat-ye-na Di-pa-yet (8 syllabes)
According to M.P. Pandit, the original Gayatri Mantra was intended for illumining the intellect, while Sri Aurobindo’s modification of the Gayatri Mantra is intended for supramentalization of the entire being.
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2 months ago 00:06:12 2
Шри Ауробиндо. Час Бога
4 months ago 00:20:22 2
(1) ЦИКЛ РАЗВИТИЯ ОБЩЕСТВА - ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКИЙ ЦИКЛ- Труд Шри Ауробиндо (1872-1950)
5 months ago 00:40:01 2
Ауровиль - город, который нужен Земле (с русскими субтитрами)