A Very Potter Musical REMASTERED AUDIO/ VISUALS (2022)

A Very Potter Musical REMASTERED AUDIO/ VISUALS (2022) Watch AVPM without constantly needing to adjust your volume knob! AUDIO: I spliced the vocals from the rest of the track, mixed and mastered everything, and then combined it all back together so the instruments aren’t constantly blaring over the singing! VISUALS: The visuals were upscaled from 480p to 1080p (by a generous person who wishes to remain anonymous). I then did some basic overall color grading to get rid of the yellow color cast it’s always had. To try to keep the quality the best I could, I exported it in 4k. SUBTITLES: The subtitles were provided by NadCat_ (on Reddit). She’s not sure who originally created them, but she fixed them up to align with my video. Check out what StarKid has been up to lately: @starkid/videos
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