(Англ.) Слежка за шпионами: обнаружение, уклонение от наблюдения и противодействие ему

Brian O´Shea lecture “Spying on Spies: Detecting, Evading, and Countering Surveillance“ at the ESFLC16 in Prague. “Support SoL & Support Liberty“ Founder and CEO at Striker Pierce Investigations and The Ayla Foundation Brian O’Shea is the CEO and Senior Investigator at Striker Pierce. Brian’s specialties include M&A/Exit Strategies and Information Protection for Investment Clients located in the United States, Germany, United Kingdom, and the Middle East. Additionally, he assists companies in protecting their information, especially during deals, from competitive intelligence collection as well as information loss through nefarious means. Part of this process is assisting companies in choosing the most secure data management systems for their enterprise or transaction and ensuring the proper management of data by all parties. Brian O’Shea has spent over 20 years in the field of investigations and intelligen
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