Trenches, Cabinets and New Friends | A DAY IN THE LIFE OF CHATEAU DE PUY VIDAL, June 2022

Last week we posted a long awaited video about arriving in France; Julia and Carolina, followed by Maruca and Penelope. Minutes after we uploaded that video a comment came in that touched our hearts, it was a wish to see a full day in our new chateau life from morning until night. The four of us woke up the very next morning and filmed everything interesting and not so interesting that happened. This suggestion to film everything in a day gave us new freedom to include the mundane insights and let things play out in real time more than we normally would. We also really enjoyed having everyone in the house film and narrate the episode. It’s the closest we’ve come to truly representing our dynamic as a household and a family. These are the adventures of Julia, her partner Caroline, her sister Penelope and her parents; an American family taking a leap of faith, living out a long-awaited dream. Chateau de Puy Vidal is a medieval fortress turned renaissance Castle, and is located in the Charent
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