Mix-Ready ’Architects’ Songwriting Template

I am very proud to present you: the Mix-Ready Architects Songwriting Template! You can get it here if you want that sound for your productions: This template includes: ✔️ Mix-Ready drums (GGD OKW ’Architects’ with Multi-Out routing) ✔️ Mix-Ready One Shot samples to reinforce the GGD drum samples ✔️ Custom Mix-Ready Drum Map for easy drum programming ✔️ Rhythm, Clean, Lead and Bass guitar tones with state of the art amp sims (Neural DSP Nolly and Parallax) ✔️ In-depth processing with stock and free plugins only ✔️ Master bus processing for glue, punch and commercial loudness ✔️ Additional FX tracks (such as Snare Bombs, Bass Drops...) ✔️ The DI tracks and whole arrangement of the demo song: ’Animals’ by Architects, recorded by João Medeiros and myself. So you can listen to the in
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