W0nderL@nd5 - “What will happen to me when I change my place of residence?“. Alphabet: Lenormand.
Need to answer questions:
1. What will happen to the Questioner when she changes her place of residence?
2. What will be the atmosphere in the family; what will be the relationship with the parents?
3. How will the relationship develop in the new working team?
Группа лиц: Алиса, Шляпник, Чеширский кот и Белая королева, раскрывает тайны древних, предлагает альтернативное видение загадочных исторических событий и феноменов.
A group of faces: Alice, the Hatter, the Cheshire Cat and the White Queen, reveals the secrets of the ancients, offers an alternative vision of mysterious historical events and phenomena.
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Consider the first row. Inverted Clouds indicate the abandonment of the past, the end of a prolonged cloudy, inclement period. Lilia talks about the desire for a new and happy life associated with moving. Good prospects are overshadowed by the Broom and the Whip. They indicate a ce