What “non-interference“ in internal affairs looks like according to the EU standards

What “non-interference“ in internal affairs looks like according to the EU standards. In this video, representatives of the deputy corps of 8! EU countries go to speak at an opposition rally in Georgia. Did you read in the Western press this morning that EU countries are interfering in Georgia’s internal affairs? Imagine what the same media would have written this morning if instead of these deputies there were deputies from Russia and Belarus. Imagine? And that’s all you need to know about non-interference and common standards of democracy for all. P.S. By the way, the rally was very thin. If you don’t count the media and the rest of those who were there on business (including law enforcers dressed in civilian clothes), there were not even a couple of thousand people there. I think even the Georgian opposition realizes that the protests are unlikely to take off. But the money has been received and it must be worked off. Or they won’t be funded anymore. Source: Slavyangrad
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